My daily routine - 5/29/2021

How are you guys ?. Today again I am present as I said yesterday with my daily routine and a new interesting work.


making plan of today's routine
planning a day routine

After waking up this morning, do the daily work and then after that I give some time to my garden too.

girl is doing gardening
Gardening, Planting & setting 

Gardening is my hobby. I have planted plants in my house in which some of the names are as follows:

• Money plant

• Hibiscus

• Mint

• Fig

• Chili

• Tomato

• Lemon

• Rose

There are also some fast growing plants which also have beautiful flowers of yellow color and red color. 

I give water and clean them every day at the time of afternoon, to be sure, it gives a lot of coins to the heart and it is a great pleasure to see them flourishing.
As I told you, I lost my job, and the worst thing that ever happened to me was that I was given a car by a company that provided maintenance and fuel. I worked in a management position and my title was "Accounts Manager".

Today is Saturday and I have to return it by Monday 31/5/2021. Well, I was saying that I went to the plant nursery with my wife and two children. My son was driving a car. He was in the driving seat and my daughter was in the back seat. My wife and I have entered the nursery and purchased beautiful fast growing plants which have more flowers. I also share its pics with you.

growing plant with beautiful flowers    hibiscus plant at my home stairs

One of them kept in the back seat with great difficulty. Realizing how important it is to fall for such work is failing so badly that it has to be returned in two days. When you find something that works for you, it makes you feel important. From this, I have learned a good lesson that no matter what I do now, I decided that  will definitely have savings and then first buy a car.

Returning from the plant nursery, my son told that when we were in the nursery, two boys were on the motorbike and they were looking at my sister and asking her what are you doing here. They were in the police uniform.

two police man/cops in the bike
Cops in the bike

The son told them that my mum and dad have gone to buy plants. After hearing this they went away. Anyway, there is a lock down in our city, which starts at 6 pm. I thought that maybe they were inquired for the same reason. Thank God that there was no such case. Going out with a girl has become very dangerous these days. 

Coming back home, I adjusted the plants in the house parking. they looked very good. It was night too. The main orange light on key, which is the light of the main entrance gate, that light looked very beautiful. Then we had dinner. Before going to sleep at night, I am my family members, discuss the day routine some time to know what happened to each other. Now a days, it is a time for the smart phones, everyone is just engaged in it, no one has time to sit with their family and friends. 

This was my today's routine. Tomorrow, I will tell you how I bought this house and how many difficulties I have faced in this connection.

getting home keys big success
taking keys of my dream home with great excitement

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