Facebook password stealing Android applications

These applications steal your Facebook account ID and password information once installed on the mobile.
These applications steal your Facebook account ID and password 

Silicon Valley: Android users should not use these applications as these apps steal the login and password of your Facebook account.

Doctor Web, a mobile phone and computer malware tracking website, has identified a mobile application that steals your Facebook account login details and password information once installed on a mobile phone.

The application was available on the Google Play Store some time ago. More than 15 million of these applications, including Trojan Stealers in the form of harmless software, have been installed, but Google has removed these applications from the Copley Stores after reports from security experts.

These Trojan apps use special mechanisms to fool their victims. After the necessary settings, it displays the actual web address of Facebook https://www.facebook.com/login.php in the web view and asks the user to enter his user ID and password. They then load JavaScript on the same web view and then use the hack script directly to hijack the entered login information.

These Trojan apps steal the login and password and transfer it to the hacker's server using the JavaScript interface method provided by JavaScript. These applications also steal cookies from the current authorization session and send them to cyber criminals.

Below are details of some of the most important and popular Trojan applications.

PIP Photo

PIP Photo application
PIP Photo Application

Pip is a photo editing app, developed by Lillians and downloaded over 5 million times on Android devices.

Processing Photo

Processing photo application
Processing photo Application

This is also a photo editing app. Designed by developer chikumburahamilton, the app has also been installed over 5 million times on Android devices.

This is also a photo editing app. Designed by developer chikumburahamilton, the app has also been installed over 5 million times on Android devices.

Rubbish Cleaner

Rubbish Cleaner application
Rubbish Cleaner Application

This app was used to optimize the performance of Android devices, it was downloaded more than a million times.

Horoscope Daily

Horoscope Daily application
Horoscope Daily Application

This daily horoscope application was downloaded 1 million times, it was designed by developer Horoscope Daily momo.

Inwell Fitness

Inwell Fitness applicaiton
Inwell Fitness Applicaiton

As the name suggests, this is a fitness app. It has also been downloaded more than 5 million times on Android devices.

App Lock Keep

App Lock Keep Applicaiton
App Lock Keep Application

Apparently this application, which secures access to other applications, was a major threat to the user himself. It was downloaded more than 5,000 times.

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