How to make morning walks more rewarding?


A girl in the forest doing morning walk
Morning Walk

If you want to be in a good mood, sleep well and stay away from heart disease and diabetes, then you need to make morning walks your routine.

A morning walk will improve your mental and physical health, but for that you need to wake up in the morning and get out of the house.

Having been in lockdown for months now, most of us have realized the benefits of getting out of the house.

Sunlight changes your mind and creates the happier feelings in your brain, which improves your mood. The importance of sunlight do not end there. Sunlight prevents the production of the hormone melatonin in your brain, which makes you feel  fatigue.

The majority people in the UK use 22 out of 24 hours indoors, but our bodies are intended to resist natural light.

Once you open your eyes in the morning and see the sun's rays, the sensors behind your eyes send signals to a character part of the brain called the hypothalamus. This division of the brain is actually the body clock that wheel the body's sleep and waking periods.

People doing morning walk in the forest
Morning Walk

When the brain receives a signal, it stops making melatonin hormones, which makes you feel lethargic. This means that the sun's rays gets you up.

Under the open sky, the light is fifty to one hundred percent higher than in houses.

If you go out in the light in the morning, this way you can change the time of the body clock and this way you can sleep early at night. The earlier you wake up in the morning, the earlier you will want to go for sleep in the evening.

For getting benefit of the morning light, you should go for a walk within two hours of sunrise.

The usefulness of a morning walk also depends on your walking style.

The right way to walk

Morning walk is a very healthy process in itself but it can be made more beneficial by following the advice of experts. Walking briskly reduces the risk of heart disease.

Mary Murphy, a professor at the University of Ulster, tells her study of 50,000 people found that rising your walking pace could boost your health benefits by 20 to 50 percent.

Explaining brisk walking, Professor Marie Murphy said that brisk walking means you feel your heart beating, your body warms up and your breathing is affected, but you can talk in the meantime. ۔

"A fast walk means you can speak but not sing during this time."

A girl wearing t-shirt doing morning walk
Morning Walk

According to research by Professor Marie Murphy, brisk walking in the morning greatly reduces the risk of heart disease.

How long should you walk briskly? According to Professor Marie Murphy, if you take a 30-minute walk every day, it will have a great effect on your health.

According to Professor Marie Murphy, if one does not walk for thirty minutes at a time, but does so several times a day at intervals, that is, in the afternoon or evening, it still has the same benefits as a 30-minute brisk walk once. They are

"Every time you walk, it means you are out of the house, your mind is distracted from certain things and the process of becoming a part of the diet is accelerated," he said.

Should you eat breakfast or go on an empty stomach before going for a walk? As per Professor Marie Murphy, a pour stomach walk may help you drop weight, but there is no other advantage.

Professor Murphy thinks it would be appropriate to have something to eat before going for a walk.

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