Fat on liver affects entire nervous system can promote type 2 diabetes |
The secret role of the liver in diabetes has been revealed.
Arizona: 100 years after the discovery of insulin, a major study has found that the liver and related neurotransmitters play a key role in type 2 diabetes, which is 24 times more common than in type 1 diabetes.
Benjamin Rankquist, a professor at the University of Arizona, says that in type 2 diabetes, we focus exclusively on lowering blood glucose levels, but he has conducted research in collaboration with other American universities. He has been considering the relationship between obesity, liver fat and type 2 diabetes for nine years.
They say that a liver rich in fats and fats affects insulin sensitivity. Professor Benjamin and his colleagues say that when fat accumulates in the liver, the excretion of a type of neurotransmitter, gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), increases. This is due to a type of enzyme called GABA transaminase. This enzyme increases gamma aminobutyric acid in the liver. It is basically an inhibitory neurotransmitter that slows down the activity of sending signals to the central nervous system of the brain.
Now understand how it works. When the connection between the liver and the brain's electronic language, the GABA neurotransmitter, is weakened, the signals to destroy the amount of sugar in the body are also weakened. This process begins in a few days. That's why a US FDA-approved drug is already available. It has been dubbed the inhibitor of GABA transaminase which increases insulin sensitivity in obese people. By eating it, they can be protected from developing type 2 diabetes.
On the other hand, experts are also emphasizing in this regard to exercise and remove liver fat.