What is the Best Way to Clean Earwax?


a girl having earwax
a girl having earwax

Many people hate earwax or airwax. But the truth is that earwax is a natural substance that comes out of our body and plays a very important role in the protection and health of the ear.

That's why it's important to understand when, What is the best way to clean earwax?

Gabriel Weston, a British surgeon for ear, nose and throat diseases, has found the best and worst ways to keep the ears clean. Before reaching any conclusions, Dr. Gabriel Weston says that earwax is a essence that is formed in the glands within the ear and has many significant roles.

inside structure of an ear showing earwax
inside structure of an ear showing earwax

Earwax works:

  • It helps remain our ears dirt free and strong.
  • This prevents dryness in the ear.
  • It secure the ear from dust particles and also helps stop disease
  • Most of the time cleaning inside our ears is done automatically.

When does earwax become a 'problem'?

When we speak or chew something with our teeth, the airwax slowly slides on the skin inside the ear and moves towards the hole outside. This mail usually dries out and goes out on its own.

Earwax is usually not a problem. But if it starts to form in large quantities, the ear begins to close, which can lead to problems such as ear pain and hearing loss.

There are many things in the market that are claimed to clear the earwax.

But do these things really work?


Cotton or cotton buds

The next time you want to clean your ears with cotton buds or cotton wool available in the market, be sure to read the message on their packaging first. However, at first glance, it looks like something that should not harm the ear. These companies warn on the packaging that they should not be used to clean the drains inside the ear, but only to clean the outer part.

In fact, when we use cotton buds, we push the wax into the ear. This cotton can stick to parts of the ear that are not capable of cleaning automatically. Air wax can also contain bacteria that enter the ear from outside and can cause infections.

Cleaning the ear with a cotton ball can sometimes cause a kind of irritation to the inner skin of the ear, which makes you want to scratch this part again and again. And repeated scratching can make the problem worse.

If the cotton buds go too deep in the ear, it can effect the eardrum to break, causing unexpected raise in pain, bleeding, and constant provisional hearing defeat.

cotton buds
cotton buds

Ear Cleaning Candles or Air Candles

Something like an air candle is also available in the market to get rid of earwax.

In this technique, a long, thin, burning candle is placed in a conical object with a hole on one side that is on the inside of the ear.

It is claimed that its use removes earwax and other dirt, but research has shown that air candles are not helpful in cleaning earwax and its use also poses a risk to the ear.

It can also burn the ears and face, candle wax can reach the ear canal and damage the eardrum.

ear cleaning candle
ear cleaning candle

Ear drops or air drops

Many people use ear drops or air drops to clean their ears. These air drops soften the ear wax so much that it comes out of the ear by itself.

There are many forms of drops obtainable in the market. These are completed by adding chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide, sodium bicarbonate or sodium chloride.

Although these drops can be effective, they can irritate people with sensitive skin. Olive or almond oil can also be used instead, which is as effective as other expensive air drops.

ear drops
ear drops

If you wish o utilize olive or almond oil to soften earwax, it is greatest to warm the oil lightly. And when you put it in your ear, lie down with your head down so that the oil can enter. The oil temperature should not be higher than your body temperature. Then with the help of a dropper a few drops of oil should be put in the ear and the same crucible should lie down for five to ten minutes. Olive oil will not irritate your ears but it will take a little longer to take effect.

If you feel that your ear is blocked by dirt or wax, the process of putting a few drops of oil in the ear should be repeated two to three times daily for three to five days.

oil dropper
oil dropper

Water cleaning

If you often have problems with earwax, your doctor may suggest cleaning your ear with water.

In medical parlance it is also called syringeing. This technique involves spraying water into the ear canal through a syringe to clean the earwax.

Although airwax can be cleaned in this way, for some people the process can be painful. There is also a risk of damage to the eardrum.

cleaning your ear with water.
cleaning your ear with water

Micro suction

Some medical clinics also offer micro-suction for patients suffering from airwax.

In the process, doctors often use a microscope to look inside the ear and pull the mail out with a small tool.

This method is considered very safe. This method can also be effective in constantly discharging water or other material from the ear.

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